25 May, 2018 | 13:52
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Training course of “Reading skill and searching information in scientific research for researchers”

The training course of “Reading skill and searching information in scientific research for researchers” was held on by the Center for Vietnam Science and Technology Internationalization promotion on May 22nd and 23rd 2018.

For scientific research, reading is one of the most important skills for researchers to perceive knowledge. Results of research are somehow influenced by this skill. However, it seems like there are not detailed instruction of how to search and correctly select necessary information for the research. The Internet helps people to find out what they want without verify origin and reliability. For those reasons, the training course of “Reading skill and searching information in scientific research for researchers” was designed to bring out reading and searching skills for participants.


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Mr.Bui Quy Long – General director of the Center for Vietnam Science and Technology Internationalization Promotion with his opening remark at the training course


The lecturer of the training course is PhD. Trinh Thi Kim Ngoc – Institute of Human Studies. At the training course, she discussed three main contents including reading skills, searching skills and skill of using Endnote which is the popular software for managing references. The training course had many participants from Institutes, Universities and differents Minitries.

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PhD. Trinh Thi Kim Ngoc – Lecturer of the training course


Specifically, for the reading skill, PhD. Trinh Thi Kim Ngoc brought out reading model of Francis Pleasan Robinson with five steps. Besides, the participants had opportunity to practice this skill immediately at the course.

For the searching skill, PhD. Trinh thi Kim Ngoc introduced some searching tools such as Google Scholar, Baidu, Yandex…Finally, she instructed the participants to use Endnote software, initalizing the Endnote library.

Over the course of 2 days of intensive training with extensive lectures, the training provided the required amount of knowledge for the trainees. Participants also had the opportunity to exchange experiences and learn more. In conclusion, Ms. Bui Thi Huy Hop – Deputy Director of the Center for Vietnam Science and Technology Internationalization Promotion highly appreciated the effect that the training brought in and gave profound thanks to PhD. Trinh Thi Kim Ngoc – the lecturer of the training session with the participant who were very interested in this training content.