28 September, 2018 | 5:59
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Seminars “Experiences in Science and Technology cooperation with Poland” and “Recommendations for Science and Technology cooperation: Vietnam – Poland

According to the regular functional  tasks assigned by the Minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology in 2018, on 25th September 2018, the Center for Vietnam Science and Technology Internationalization Promotion (VISTIP) organized two seminars “Experiences in Science and Technology cooperation with Poland” and “Recommendations for Science and Technology cooperation: Vietnam – Poland” in Hanoi.

The Seminars were  opportunities for delegates to discuss and share experiences in S&T cooperation with Poland, solutions to strengthen S&T cooperation between Vietnam and Poland, and, in addition, to facilitate scientists, experts, and businesses have the chances to access and exchange information on S&T cooperation between Vietnam and Poland.

The seminar was attended by delegates from ministries, institutes, universities,  Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences (VASS), Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST)…

ảnh chung Ba Lan

Photo: The delegates at the seminars

At the seminar, Associate Prof. Vu Dinh Lam, Deputy Director – Graduate University of Science and Technology, shared about the advantages, difficulties and challenges in cooperation in S&T with Poland. Vietnam and Poland have a friendly and traditionally cooperative relationship. In particular, there are a number of scientists, who studied in Poland, some Vietnamese researchers are currently professors at universities and institutes in Poland. These are very favorable conditions for cooperation with Poland in S&T. The difficulty is there are many opportunities to cooperate with other countries in the world now. Poland and Vietnam have not had many cooperation programs on S&T. Collaborative projects in S&T between Vietnam and Poland are small and scattered; the approching to funds is still difficult for researchers.

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Photo: Associate Prof. Vu Dinh Lam – at the seminar

In the opinion of MSc. Tran Dinh Hung, Institute for European Studies, Poland is an emerging economy with steady growth in the long run with 26% of the total added value generated by industry (average of EU is 19%). Polish industry has three broad sectors: manufactoring, mining and energy (oil and gas). Poland has the advantage of low labor costs. The labor force of Poland has a high level of education with 43% in the ages of 25-34 have university degree (average of EU is 38%). Poland is an ideal destination for manufacturing, logistics and general service centers.

ảnh đc Hưng

Photo: MSc Tran Dinh Hung – at the seminar

In the opinion of MSc. Bui Viet Hung, Institute for European Studies, Vietnam should promote cooperation in S&T with Poland in such areas as researching on the process of restructuring of farms, human resources development in rural areas, renewable energy in agriculture, agricultural insurance policy, farmland management,  food industry, environment and response to climate change in agriculture.

ảnh Bùi Việt Hưng

Photo: MSc Bui Viet Hung – at the seminar

In the two seminars, experts and delegates shared opinions about S&T strengths of Poland, experiences in cooperation in S&T, opportunities for cooperation with Poland such as: agriculture, food processing technology, environmental technology, materials science, mining and mining technology.

Delegates also discussed and identified that this was a necessary topic and that the seminars gave much information for managers, scientists and researchers, especially for entrepreneurs. At the end of the seminars, MSc. Bui Thi Huy Hop, Deputy Director of VISTIP, hoped that in the coming time, the cooperation between Vietnam and Poland in S&T would be more strengthened and more effectively.

Source: Center for Vietnam Science and Technology Internationalization Promotion