20 December, 2018 | 13:17
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Building up the Science and Technology Collaboration between VISTIP and Center for Agriculture and Bioscience International (CABI)

On 17/12/2018, in Hà Nội – Center for Vietnam Science and Technology Internationalization Promotion (VISTIP), Ministry of Science and Technology, Mrs. Bùi Thị Huy Hợp, Deputy Director, has received the Delegation from the Center for Agriculture and Bioscience International (CABI) led by Mr. Muhammad Faheem, the CABI Coordinator of Plantwise in Vietnam. Both side have discussed on applying advanced technologies (Artificial Intelligence – AI and Blockchain) in agriculture, especially in sharing taking cares of plants health which is implemented by CABI in collaboration with partners in 34 countries globally, of which Vietnam is one.

During the meeting, VISTIP has briefly introduced about science and technology research and development system in Vietnam, as well as VISTIP’s functions and tasks with focusing on its strengths and collaborative priorities with international organizations as CABI.  Beside the updating recent year’s activities of Plantwise in Vietnam and the priorities of CABI Asia in 2 coming years, CABI side has shared their research and development’ activities and results that they had carried out with partners (both international and Vietnam ones) in Vietnam, such as value chains of some crops (coffee and black pepper) in 3 central highland and southern provinces. Also, Dr. Irshad Ali, the Regional M & E coordinator-Asia, has presented about the Plantwise’s highlights of CABI in some neighbor countries as India, Pakistan and SriLanka … thanks to getting in the involvement of local governments.

Both sides have openly discussed about concrete necessary collaborative  activities based on contents that were exchanged during the last visit of Dr. A. Sivapragasam – Regional Director of CABI-SEA. Especially, promoting and engaging resources from relevant stakeholders (enterprises, associations, domestic and international agencies) in collaboration research and development activities, were issues deeply discussed.
Anh dai dien CABI-4


Pictures. Parties have discussed openly and actively on concrete collaborative activities
In the meeting, the representative of CABI also expressed expectation that with strong supports from VISTIP, CABI will be able set up concrete and collaborative activities which are suitable with priorities of the Ministry of Science and Technology of Vietnam.

With the functions and tasks assigned by the Minister of Science and Technology including linking the domestic and international scientific and technological community, supporting enterprises in applying advanced technologies…VISTIP and CABI, an international not-for-profit organization that improves people’s lives worldwide by providing information and applying scientific expertise to solve problems in agriculture and the environment, will continue exchange for setting up specific co-operations in coming years with involvements of relevant stakeholders, especially of private section and provincial government agencies at the early stage of designing./.

Source: The Center for Vietnam S&T Internationalization Promotion