11-16-2016 | 9:57
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Meeting between Center for Vietnam Science and Technology Internationalization Promotion and National University of Science and Technology MISIS – Russia

On 10th November 2016, the Center for Vietnam Science and Technology Internationalization Promotion (VISTIP) had a meeting with the delegation from National University of Science and Technology MISIS – Russia led by Ph.D. Konysheva, Deputy Head – in charge of International Affairs. Mr. Tokarev, Director assistance of Center for Science and Culture of Russia in Hanoi, Ministry of Foreign Affairs also took part in the meeting.

VISTIP leader with MISIS representatives

In the meeting, PhD. Konysheva had introduced the advantages of MISIS in engineer training and international standard research environment as well as emphasizing on remarkable science and technology achievements of MISIS. On the occasion of coming to Vietnam, MISIS had provided favor opportunities for Vietnam in bachelor, expert, master and doctor (in English) training course.

VISTIP and MISIS discuss cooperation opportunity

On the other hand, with the entrusted functions and tasks, VISTIP had suggested the way to cooperate to MISIS. With the tight and warm connection between VISTIP and MISIS staffs, two sides had both agree to officially keep in touch for a deeper cooperation plan in the future. It’s a bright start for the cooperation of VISTIP and MISIS.