09-13-2017 | 14:58
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The 4th Industrial Revolution in Vietnam with activities of international integration in Science and Technology (P.1)

In implementation of the Government’s Resolution No. 103 / ND-CP issued on December 5th 2016 of the Government, at the regular meeting of the Government in March (3/4/2017), the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Vietnam Association of Software & Information Technology Services has presented a report on the fourth Industrial Revolution (IR 4.0), also known as Industry 4.0 (I 4.0). After listening to the reports on I 4.0, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc instructed: “Ministers should be more aware, more focuse on this, avoid saying Industry 4.0 everywhere but have no orientation for the development of the Ministries.” . The head of the Government must be very worried about the feasibility of implementing I 4.0 in Vietnam in the future and the “consensus” in understanding and perception of I 4.0.


The Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc with the author of the book “The 4th Industrial Revolution” – PhD.Klaus Schwab – Chairman of WEF – Picture.1

Yes, with just one keyword “Industry 4.0” in either English or Vietnamese in 50 seconds, “GOOGLE” gives us over 100 million articles in English relating to the Revolution 4.0 and about 500,000 articles in Vietnamese. If you use other foreign languages such as Chinese, Japanese, Russian, German … and add related keywords such as “Internet of things (IoT) – Internet of all things”, “Artificial Intellegence (AI ) “,” 3D printing- In 3D “,” Big Data “or” Icloud Computing “… the number of articles related to I 4.0 will be extremely large and surely no one will be able to read all the articles on this topic and it is hard for anyone, an agency or a professional association to come up with a common definition of I 4.0!

However, although there is no consensus on a standard definition for I 4.0, they all agree with PhD. Klaus Schawb – Chairman of World Economic Forum when he said: “We are on the threshold of a technological revolution that fundamentally changes the way we live, work and deliver. And in this new world, not large fish will swallow the baby fish, but fast fish will swallow slowly.” – Picture 1.

In fact, human is entering a new era with a change in “tsunami” level of technology that one might call technological revolution. This revolution is not like any revolution in history and it will affect us all and we have not even figured out, for example: AI combined with Genetic engineering has been able to produce robots that are increasingly “like” human beings. They are not only able to think, write music, but also be pregnant for couples who are infertile when transplanted biological uterus and might be able to give birth in the near future as a human; Quantum technology has created supercomputers capable of performing 1016 (10 thru 16th) and more than the number of operations per second, such as the Japanese Supercomputer K; 3D printing technology can now print most of life’s products including organ transplants; Cloud Computing, combined with Big Data, is capable of storing, exploiting computing resources, the amount of information, unlimited data on capacity at low cost, and fast… ; The wireless internet technology combines wi-fi (wireless) radio with 3G mobile networks are being switched to li-fi (lighting) at 100 times faster than wi-fi on a 4G / 5G connection, along with the reduced cost of sensor production, the Internet of Things becomes extremely easy; Blockchain financial technology is more and more secure and makes trading with virtual currencies such as Bitcoin fast and convenient, bypassing the growing intermediary and has been recognized by many countries including Japan; The Neural Lace technology that connects the human brain to the ambitious project of billionaire Elon Musk helps to harness all the hidden knowledge – the tacit knowledge (the human knowledge that will bring with it. There is no way to save for posterity …. Or the human perception project by Dr. Sergio Canavero is expected to perform this year 2017 if successful will be a testament to the perfection in the field of transplant technology and also demonstrates the eternal life of man in the future is real; and more breakthrough technology achievements ….

 (Part 2 will be posted to you on Tuesday, 23 May 2017, thank you for your interest)