09-27-2017 | 15:04
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The 4th Industrial Revolution in Vietnam with activities of international integration in Science and Technology (P.3)

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What is “Industrial Revolution 4.0”? In terms of terminology, this name has appeared many years ago but hardly the world is interested. This term only really “fever” worldwide and especially with Vietnam since GS. Klaus Schwab, President of the World Economic Forum, at the 46th Annual Meeting of the Forum held in Davos-Klosters, Switzerland in January 2016, presented his book (Fig. 2) with the title of “The Fourth Industrial Revolution”  and because of this book, the main topic of discussion WEF46 has been attracted to “I4.0”.

“Industry 4.0” or “I 4.0” is created by the Germans and used in Europe. The term I 4.0 first appeared in 2011 in the report “Identifying future high technology trends that have a major impact on society.” – A scientific research mission led by the Union of Science Associations Germany follows a research order from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in 2010. The result of this study, together with its recommendations, was subsequently developed by the BMBF into a Technology Development Strategy Germany as the basis for the implementation of “I 4.0” or “CMCN 4.0” in Germany. According to the German, I 4.0       is a revolution which can change impossible things to possible things based on scientific and technoligical advances and reverse the traditional production process. To put it simply, this means that industrial machinery is no longer simply a produce products but the products can communicate with machinery to tell it what exactly should do. To clarify I4.0 concept, the Germans refer to the concept of cyber-physical systems (CPS) – technologies that connect the physical world to the digital world through sensors. Variables are attached to the physical device and network connection data acquisition technologies.

According to experts, the value of the I 4.0 concept may increase if the role of the technology supporting the physical manipulation of the objects is to play a role – the role of virtual technologies (networks). Real-life activities or physical equipment …

Understanding the different information technologies that interact with the physical world (the real world) that motivates innovation will be the best starting point for the I 4.0 that the Uber model demonstrates. The smart phone with the application software for the connection of supply-demand in transport


The nature of I 4.0 – Figure 3

However, in terms of technology, with different majors, depending on the nature of work, there will be different ways of perceiving and calling about this revolution. For example, with IT professionals, the I 4.0 course will be digitized; With computer network professionals this is the era of industrial internet; Automation experts are with them this is the era of intelligent automation; With the manufacturers, sales or service providers, this may be the era of intelligent production / smart farm / intelligent plant / smart product or intelligent service… No matter what the name is, everyone must recognize the nature of the fourth industrial revolution based on the achievements of existing science and technology to combine real systems (physical system) and virtual (network / digital) create value- (Figure 3). It is a gamble for everyone to exploit existing virtual systems to integrate with real systems to bring value to themselves. If a farmer knows how to exploit the features of his smartphone or iPad to look up weather, watch video clips on the extension program, or share the enrichment experience, even using google maps to find a way to address of a consultant … obviously he or she is taking advantage of the opportunity that  the I 4.0 brings. And a proficient foreign language expert can exchange research issues with international colleagues through the use of e-mail, online chatting through online chat tools such as skype , zalo, viber, facebook … and look up information, research papers on electronic libraries. Or, a manufacturer / service provider that exploites existing technologies to integrate many of the features which can complement their traditional services / products to increase the value of the product / that service – he or she is taking advantage of I 4.0. And more than that, a public agency that uses file management, paperwork, computerization of office work and reception, as well as promoting online communication can even boldly invest some robots for service delivery activities … that agency is actually I4.0. Should I 4.0 be understood in such a simple way in life?

(Part 4 will be posted to you on Thursday 1st June 2017, thank you for your interest)