4 October, 2017 | 15:06
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The 4th Industrial Revolution in Vietnam with activities of international integration in Science and Technology (P.4)

Continue with part 3 (Read)

Whatever the name is, everyone must recognize the nature of the fourth industrial revolution based on the achievements of existing science and technology to combine real systems (systems physical) and virtual (network / digital) create value. This is a game for everyone if you know how to exploit the existing virtual systems to combine with the real system to bring value to yourself. If a farmer knows how to exploit the features of his smartphone or iPad to look up weather, watch video clips on the extension program, or share his experience of getting rich, even using google maps to find a way to address a consultant … obviously he or she is taking advantage of the opportunity that I 4.0 brings. And a proficient foreign language expert can exchange research issues with international colleagues through the use of email, online discussions through online chat tools such as skype , zalo, viber, facebook … and look up information, research papers on electronic libraries …. he / she is I4.0. Or, a manufacturer / service provider that exploits existing technologies to integrate many additional features and utilities for traditional services / products to increase value of the product / service – he or she is taking advantage of the I 4.0. And more than that, a public agency that uses file management, paperwork, computerization of office work and reception, as well as promoting online communication can even boldly invest some robots for service delivery activities … that agency is actually I4.0. Should I 4.0 be understood in such a simple way in life? According to the nature of I 4.0, if we use the “virtual” part as much in the process of creating value for job and our activity, it means that we take advantage of the many opportunities that I 4.0 brings. The greater the complexity of “virtual” activities based on the technology that it creates, the higher the value that brings it, the higher the level of I 4.0. For example, a factory that uses the internet as a tool to connect people via email, look up news at a low level of I4.0. But if the factory knows how to use the internet with the wireless network connected to the CCTV at the workshop and management department to supervise and operate online production process – Factory is I 4.0 at the higher level. And instead of simple, repetitive manufacturing processes by designed equipment, automatic replacements machines even complete replacement robot – That factory is at a high level of I4.0. But, if the factory has machines and robots attached sensors can interact with each other and the machines or the robots can themselves move to any desired position which is customized with the flexibility of production lines / processes, the robots can make optimal decisions in the production process as well as interact with machines and people in the factor – I4.0 is perfect and that is the model of a smart factory.


The industrial revolutions have taken in the history in the explain of Thailand – Figure 4

Therefor, to catch up with I4.0, each country has to choose for themselves a specific direction which appropriate to the circumstances as well as ambition of each country.  I 4.0 with the United States is aiming to become the “Nation of Manufacturers-a Nation of Maker”, Korea wants to become a “Bright Economy create- Creative Economy “, the UK wishes to” Design in Innovation “. By 2015, the Chinese government has launched its “Made in China 2025” industrial strategy, which aims to turn China into a manufacturing giant in 10 years by using advanced technologies such as robots, sensors and artificial intelligence. India wants to take advantage of this opportunity to become a “Smart Nation” , so in June 2014, the Government of India announced their plan which is to build smart cities across the country.

(The final part will be posted to you on October 5th 2017, thank you for your interest)