4 October, 2018 | 11:03
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Training Course in writing and presenting reports and scientific papers

In September,  2018, the Center for  Viet Nam Science and Technology Internationalization Promotion ( VISTIP)   has organized the training course on writing and presenting the scientific papers and  reports with two main contents : The scientific paper writing skills for domestics and  international journals and skills for writing  scientific papers/reports and presenting scientific reports in English. Scientific reports and papers are considered to be ” measuring tools ” to eveluate the scientists, but these two indicators are considered challenging for young researchers, so the training course has provided a great deal of attention for Young researchers from the R&D or Research institutions under the Ministry of Science and Technology and some other Ministries.


Bui Quy Long

Photo: Mr Bui Quy Long- Director of VISTIP with his opening speech at the Training course

Sharing infromation and teaching the skill at the training course are extensive and experience lecturers, experts in writing scientific reports and papers, including: Phd Ngo Ngoc Ha – International Training Institute for Materials Science (ITIMS) – Hanoi University of Technology; Phd. Nguyen Duc Dzung- Advanced Institute for Science and Technology ( AIST) – Hanoi University of Technology; Phd. Dang Van Son – Vietnam National University- Ha Noi; Phd. Nguyen Ngoc Anh – The Development and Policies Research Center (DEPOCEN); and Assoc- Phd. Lam Quang Dong – Vice Rector of University of Languages and International Studies – Vietnam  National University- Ha noi.

Hoc vien tham gia tap huan

Photo: Overview of the Training course

Some information and content has been shared at the training cource, such as the ISI’s international journalism experience and presented at scientific conferences, plagiarism and ethics in research sectors, research and publication in the field of economics. social studies, and natural sciences, and writing scientific reports and papers in English. These are all needed contents for young researchers to improve their research capacity and results.


PGS- Lam Quang DongPhoto: Assoc- Phd. Lam Quang Dong – Vice Rector of University of Languages and International Studies – Vietnam  National University- Ha noi shared the skill of writing scientific papers and reports in English at the training course. 

At the end of the training cource, the trainees highly appreciated the shared information from the teachers and speakers and having highly application  in the research work of the young reseachers mentioned above.


Source: Center for Vietnam Science and Technology Internationalization Promotion