09-11-2016 | 16:20
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Training course: “Guideline for approaching and exploiting channels of international cooperation and Science and Technology investment projects from other countries”

Pursuing plan approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology, on September 9th 2016, The Center for Vietnam Science and Technology Internationalization Promotion organized a Training Course: “Guideline for approaching and exploiting channels of international cooperation and Science and Technology investment projects from other countries.”

Recent years, Science and Technology in Vietnam has obtained some achievements. Besides, Vietnam had built up relations with partners from other countries and had international cooperation in the field of Science and Technology with many developed countries as well as international organizations. Its scale has expanded more and more, simultaneously, its contents have become more diverse. The international cooperation in the field of Science and Technology is an important factor in the progress of socio – economic development. It is the indispensable bridge for local S&T activities.

Based on the functions and missions approved by the Minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Center for Vietnam Science and Technology Internationalization Promotion organized the training course to spread knowledge related to integration, experience of approaching and exploiting the channels of international cooperation for units, science and technology organization, individuals in this stage.

The course had more than 100 participants who are officials from units of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Vietnam National University of Agriculture, other universities, colleges, enterprises in Hanoi, Hung Yen, Nam Dinh, Quang Ngai…

Speakers of the training course included Mr. Bui Quy Long – General Director of the Center for Vietnam Science and Technology Internationalization Promotion; Mrs. Nguyen Thi Tuong Van – Department of Law and International Treaties – The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Mrs. Vu Thi Tu Quyen – Deputy Director of the Department of International Cooperation – Directorate for Standard, Metrology and Quality.

As a speaker, Mr. Bui Quy Long focused on introducing different channels of bilateral and multilateral international cooperation in Science and Technology. Moreover, Mr. Bui Quy Long gave team homework of building project’s ideas. Therefore, they can easier access and exploit available resources.

Mrs. Nguyen Thi Tuong Van presents “Skills of editing documents of international cooperation” which support participants to improve their knowledge related to the documents using for foreign affairs, steps to write and edit the document. Especially, the participants learned more the steps of building international treaties; the basic structure and notable contents of International Agreement on Science and Technology…

Mrs. Vu Thi Quyen presented “Experience of approaching and exploiting channels for international cooperation and foreign investment project in the field of Science and Technology of the Directorate for Standard, Metrology, and Quality.” Her presentation gave to participant successful lessons from project ETV2 (2005-2008), JICA…also introduced mobility trends of regions and the world as well as current policies of Vietnam with other partners.

The training course was successfully held with many opinions and feedbacks shared by the speakers and participants.


Source: VISTIP