7 August, 2017 | 15:35
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Workshop of “Assessing the level of scientific and technological international integration of S&T organization: Research Institutes and Universities”

A workshop of “Assessing the level of scientific and technological international integration of S&T organization: Research Institutes and Universities” was held on August 3rd in Hanoi by the Center for Vietnam S&T Intenationlization Promotion.

The speakers of this workshop were from different institutes and universities such as Institute of Information Technology – Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Vietnam Institute for Development Strategy – Ministry of Planning and Invesment, Foreign Trade University, National Economic University, Electric Power University, The Center for Vietnam S&T Intenationlization Promotion (VISTIP)…

Besides, the workshop welcomed participants from units, divisions of different Ministries, Institutes and Universities.


The speakers and participants of the workshop

Presenting results from a survey of capacity of S&T international integration of S&T organization which was held by VISTIP in 2016 was the content of the first speech from Ms. Bui Thi Huy Hop – Deputy director of VISTIP. The next presentation which was from PhD. Bui Tat Thang – Representative from Vietnam Institute for Development Strategy – Ministry of Planning and Investment , was about international cooperation and integration in scientific research of the institute.2

Ms. Bui Thi Huy Hop – Deputy director of VISTIP with her speech


PhD. Bui Tat Thang and his presentation

PhD Nguyen Truong Thang – President of Institute of Information Technology – Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology had a speech of assessing activities of international cooperation and integration of his Institute. Besides, there are other presentations from other speakers such as: “International cooperation activities of the National Institutes for Vocational training (NIVT)” from MA. Pham Xuan Thu – Vice President of NIVT; “Activities of S&T International Cooperation in Foreign Trade University” from PhD. Do Huong Lan…The common review from the speakers is that the Institutes and Universities have although been efforts to increase international cooperation activities, but they are still weak at the level of integartion.


PhD Nguyen Truong Thang – President of Institute of Information Technology – Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology


PhD. Do Huong Lan with the speech of “Activities of S&T International Cooperation in Foreign Trade University”


PhD. Nguyen Thuong Lang share his presentation

After the presentations, the participants also had some questions and their own shared experience. In conclusion, solutions of promoting international integration in the field of S&T for Institutes and Universities are concerns of both participants and speakers.

At the end of the workshop, Ms. Bui Thi Huy Hop – on behalf of VISTIP – appreciated the contribution from the both speakers and participants which brought the success for the workshop.