04-01-2016 | 15:11
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The meeting between VISTIP and Deputy Minister of Science and Technology

On the April 1st 2016, the Vice Minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology – Mr. Tran Quoc Khanh had a meeting with the Center for Vietnam Science and Technology Internationalization Promotion (the Center) at 39 Tran Hung Dao street.

Representatives of other units of the Ministry including Mr. Chu Thuc Dat – Deputy Director of the ….. and Mr. Le Thanh Binh – Deputy Director of the Division of International Cooperation also attended. At the meeting, the Vice Minister Tran Quoc Khanh required the Center to present the quarterly report and plan of activities’ deployment in 2016. The General Director of the Center – Mr. Bui Quy Long gave out an overview of the Center’s activities in the 1st quarter including the organization’s stability; the Center’s missions such as research, information, and database, STI events…and also international cooperation activities. Besides, Mr. Bui Quy Long also mentioned some difficulties and desire to soon have solutions.


Deputy minister Tran Quoc Khanh listen to the report of VISTIP

Continuously, Mr. Bui Quy Long kept going with the deployment plan for the activities from 2nd to 4th quarter in 2016. Also, specific-detail plans were reported as Mr. Bui Quy Long confirmed leading VISTIP to manage all goals. On the other hand, Mr. Long opened up the potential collaboration with foreign counterparts.

Carefully listen to the reports of the Center as Deputy Minister Tran Quoc Khanh had raised discussion for better understanding the issues that VISTIP had been facing. Representatives from other departments in the Ministry also made some comments and appreciated the efforts that VISTIP had made, simultaneously affirmed to support the activities of the Center in the future.

Deputy Minister Tran Quoc Khanh, in conclusion, requested VISTIP to keep implementing the proposed plan as well as building specific orientation for each its tasks. Mr. Tran Quoc Khanh also pledged to support VISTIP solving the remaining difficulties.