05-30-2018 | 15:32
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Seminar of “Development of information resources for S&T integration”

For the Day of Science and Technology in Vietnam on May 18th, the Center for Vietnam Science and Technology Internationalization Promotion organized a seminar of “Development of information resources for S&T integration”

c hop

Ms. Bui Thi Huy Hop – Deputy director of the Center for Vietnam Science and Technology Internationalization promotion with her opening remark

The project on science and technology integration to 2020 has confirmed the role of information resources for developing activities of integration, especially it is necessary to link electronic libraries, electronic database on science and technology. In purpose of promoting information resources,   most of presentations for the seminar focus on how to build up and share international S&T database. The typical presentations are from Mr. Cao Minh Kiem – Information of Science and Technology Association, PhD. Nguyen Hong Quang – Director of Institute for Scientific Information, Mr. Le Ba Lam – Deputy director of Library Information Center – Vietnam National Unviersity…

toàn cảnh tọa đàm

Speaker of the seminar 

The participants of the seminar are from diverse Universities, Institutes and Research Centers. At the workshop, the participants discussed methods to build up general database, S&T database and database sharing. Besides, the participants also shared difficulties, obtacles in developing inter-library system and pointed out that developing an opened database system of linkage among universities and institutes. In addition, informatic managers identifies that the biggest challenge on database building is foreign languages and there has not have any software to correctly translate specialized information into English,

Conclusing the seminar, Ms. Bui Thi Huy Hop appreciated the attendance of speakers and participants. The seminar was successful with many opinions from not only speakers but also particpants.