06-18-2016 | 16:13
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A workshop: “Difficulties in the progress of S&T integration and proposing its solutions: Difficulties of S&T human resource”

Pursuing the mission assigned by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) in 2016, the Center for Vietnam Science and Technology Internationalization Promotion (VISTIP) with the Department of Science and Technology in Nghe An together organised a workshop: “Difficulties in the progress of S&T integration and proposing its solutions: Difficulties of S&T human resource” on June 15th 2016 in Vinh city, Nghe An province.

Participants of the workshop included representatives of MOST, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Departments of Science and Technology in Nghe An, Quang Binh, Hue provinces, some Research Institutes, Universities, Enterprises in Nghe An, Ha Tinh, Thanh Hoa provinces…At the workshop, Mr. Tran Quoc Thanh – General Director of the Department of Science and Technology in Nghe An stated: “In this current context of integration, there are a lot of demands and they are also the difficulties that we have to overcome. In order to do it, we need to enhance our knowledge. Especially, in the field of science and technology, in order to approach new technologies, improving our comprehension is more necessary.”

As an organizer, Mr. Bui Quy Long – CEO of VISTIP affirmed: “Entering in a series of new generation free trade agreements, especially Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement – TPP shows that Vietnam has increasingly integrated with regions and the world. The integration is objective trend and it brings not only advantages but also difficulties to the country, in which, the difficulties of human resource is the biggest challenge”. Mr. Bui Quy Long hoped that the workshop would be a forum where experts, managers, scientists would raise their views and opinions which can support to improve policies related to promoting talented people, especially in the field of science and technology.


Reports of the workshop which came from the experts such as Ph.D. Ngo Minh Tuan – Central Institute for Economic Management; Ph.D. Nguyen Thuong Lang – National Economic University; Ph.D. Luong Dinh Hai – Institute of Human Studies; Ph.D. Ngo Dinh Phuong – Deputy Principal of Vinh University, Mr. Do Viet Trung – Deputy Director of the Department of Organization and Personnel, MOST….showed a quite complete picture of the current situation as well as the difficulties, challenges of human resource in the progress of integration. Some speakers gave out suggestions for improving current policies.

Mr. Do Viet Trung – Deputy Director of Department of Organization and Personnel provided important statistics of S&T human resources in Vietnam such as: 164.744 persons engaged in R&D activities in Vietnam including 128.997 persons at college, university or higher level (12.261 at PhD level, 45.223 at post graduate level, 66.684 at university level, 4.829 at college level)…He also indicated some difficulties such as: the lack of good scientists, unevenly distributed S&T human resource, weak collaboration between the scientists…

PhD. Ngo Dinh Phuong – Deputy Principal of Vinh University shared his good experience of developing S&T human resource that Vinh University has used such as assigning delegations to study abroad, some bonus policies, policies of bilateral cooperation between Vinh University with others…

According to Ph.D. Nguyen Thuong Lang – National University of Economic, the difficulties of human resource in this context is more and more paid attention. In order to determine suitable solutions, it is important to enhance knowledge through some channels of communication such as information promotion, workshop, conference, training course or organizing public movements such as the program of “Startup and Creation”.

In order to propose suitable solutions for the difficulties of science and technology human resource in integration stage, Ph.D. Luong Dinh Hai – Institute of Human Studies said that it was necessary to have synchronous policies for not only S&T activities but also other policies related to salary, allowance, organization and personnel…Besides, these policies will support to reasonably use S&T human resource.

The workshop was successful with academic opinions and feedbacks shared by participants and speakers.