09-13-2017 | 15:46
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A training course of “Guideline for building up an international project of science and technology”

On September 7th and 8th, a training course of “Guideline for building up an international project of science and technology” was held at the Trade Union Hotel by the Center for Vietnam Science and Technology Internationalization Promotion (VISTIP). The main purpose of this training course is to cultivate, enhance and improve skills of outlining an idea and planning for an international project of S&T for researchers, staffs from Institutes and Universities.

The lecturers of this course are PhD. Nguyen Thi Viet Hoa from the Foreign Trade University and MSc. Bui Thi Huy Hop – Deputy Director of VISTIP. In the lecture, PhD. Nguyen Thi Viet Hoa provided basic knowledge related to skills of outlining the ideas and planning for the international projects including: concept, characteristics, how to select partners, base of ideas…She also gave out a specific example of each steps for building up a project and experience to building up its budget.


PhD. Nguyen Thi Viet Hoa with her lecture

Ms. Bui Thi Huy Hop shared her real experience of planning an international project of S&T including protocols, bilateral and multilateral projects. Besides, she also shared difficulties and solutions for arisen problems during planning the international project.


Ms. Bui Thi Huy Hop share her experience in building up an international project

During the training course, participants also had many opinions and sharing related to the topic of the course. They also shared their real experience in works.


The lecturers and participants are in the training course “Guideline for building up an international project of science and technology”

At the end, MSc. Bui Thi Huy Hop thanked to PhD. Nguyen Thi Viet Hoa and participants for their attendances and discussion which contributed to the success of the training course. She hoped the knowledge would be useful for participants in their works.