10-11-2017 | 15:09
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The 4th Industrial Revolution in Vietnam with activities of international integration in Science and Technology (Final part)

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Thailand, a member of ASEAN along with Vietnam, always has less ambitious but more appropriate options in its context to take advantage of the opportunities that industrial revolutions bring, for example with the 1st industrial revolution – Thailand 1.0, in order to solve the food problem for the country and improve the quality of agricultural products such as rice, flowers and fruits … for export, Thailand has chosen agriculture as the priority to develop; at the Second Industrial Revolution – Thailand 2.0, the Thailand people focused on light industry to develop fields which could attract labors with low-skill and accept low salary such as textiles and garments, it mainly solved the matter of employment and supported to upgrade from low-income to  higher level. However, in the Third Industrial Revolution – Thailand 3.0, Thailand began to implement industrialization with priority of development of heavy industry by investing modern machines to increase the productivity and quality of “Made in Thailand” products which could serve domestic consumption and be competitiveness when exporting.Toward to the wave of I 4.0, Thailand people want to make Thailand to become “Smart-Innovation-Creative-Innovative Smart Thailand”. In essence, Thailand 4.0 is an economic model that transforms traditional Thailand farms into smart farms, traditional SEM enterprises into smart businesses and traditional services into high additional value services. In order to implement Thailand 4.0 in the direction of industry 4.0, Thailand has selected five priority technologies such as Digital Technology, Automation Technology, Health Technology, Food Technology and Technology. culture- (Figure 5). In each priority technology sector, the Thailand people define each sector of the industry in need of innovation and development, for example in the priority field of digital technology, Thailand people are focusing on promoting electricity trade, e-services, financial services (Fintech) and education technology.


Thailand approach to I 4.0 – Figure 5

Focusing on developing the economy based on value, creativity, innovation and technology is the core content of the Thai 4.0 model. With the Thailand 4.0 model, the entire public sector, private sector and the people of Thailand will be mobilized. In this year 2017, the Thai government will focus on developing a new generation of citizens as a leader for economic growth.

The concept of Thailand 4.0 is about people who use technologies to improve their income, create jobs and build connections. They also use creativity to improve productivity. Thailand has also set up the “Ministry of Digital Economy and Society” to enhance its creativity. The implementation of the Thailand 4.0 model is expected to bring a stable, prosperous and sustainable development for Thailand. The biggest obstacle in deploying Thailand 4.0 is the conflict of interest and the weakness of human resources, both in terms of the ability to apply technology, science and technology and English language proficiency. It is because the capacity of integrating science and technology of organizations, enterprises and people are not well invested.

While countries like Thailand and Vietnam and many other countries are struggling with the 4.0 model, Estonia, a country with only 1.3 million people, is heading for Model 5.0. In Estonia, people can do online tax and complete within 5 minutes. All forms of medical, contract, banking, election or even ticket purchases are integrated with the electronic citizen identification number. Almost all public administrative procedures in Estonia do not use paper but online. Wi-Fi networks cover the country and lawers can give their advise to their clients through online channels. Here you can easily register for online business in just 18 minutes from anywhere in the world. Estonia’s entry into the 5.0 stage is a shock to many expert. In fact, the country has started to focus on technology development since its separation from the Soviet Union in 1991 but has encountered many difficulties such as lack of resources, finance and technology. However, the country has taken advantage of these weaknesses to turn them into strength.


The industrial revolutions have taken in the history and the explain of Vietnam – Figure 6

With the lack of a basis for technology development, the Estonian government does not feel burden but is willing to try every means to innovate. They do not have much money to invest in infrastructure, so the development of the online registration system is indispensable and because they do not want to spend much on travel, people are willing to register online procedures.

In summary, the understanding, approach to awareness and application of I 4.0 will be very different depending on the specific conditions and situations of each country, each sector, each sector, even individuals. In fact, to date the world has not had an unified definition of I 4.0. The awareness of I 4.0 of developing countries are different from developed countries. There are also different perceptions of I 4.0 in developing countries. This is a big challenge for Vietnam. Because only when we are fully aware of the nature, impact of I 4.0 and the ability to think, manage, and integrate technological, non-technological factors, between real and virtual, between people and machinery, we can avoid misdirecting, even consulting misleading policies like in the past, so Vietnam seems to have missed many of the opportunities that the previous three technological revolutions brought – (Figure 6). .

Experts, businessmen and the government are now considering the industrial revolution of 4.0 as an opportunity for Vietnam to take the lead in the world and possibly transform it into the likes of South Korea, Singapore … of the 20th century. .

In order to be able to develop policies which can take advantage and mitigate the negative effects of I 4.0, we need to have deep scientific studies to assess and analyze the situation, and submit to the Government for promulgation appropriate and accurate solutions.